SQL Pivot query
The PIVOT is the most difficult query to construct (with notepad), if you ask me.
SELECT Datum, [TW-D], [TW-S], [WP-D], [WP-S], [BL-D], [BL-S] FROM (SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT DatumMin AS Datum, Item, ValueMin, ValueMax, ValueAvg FROM dbo.History WHERE (Item LIKE 'TW-%') OR (Item LIKE 'WP-%') OR (Item LIKE 'BL-%') ) AS Source PIVOT ( Max(Valuemax) FOR [Item] IN ( [TW-D],[TW-S],[WP-D],[WP-S],[BL-D],[BL-S]) ) AS Pivot ORDER BY Datum DESC
This is just a starter, I’ll explain it later. Just getting it online.
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